How to use Shipping Methods in Drupal Commerce

By t.wheeler on Nov 20, 2024 12:23pm

This video shows how you can set up different shipping methods in Drupal Commerce, what they are for and how they work. 

I'm using regular expressions in the methods to have different shipping rates for people living on the east coast, the midwest, or the west coast.  It's pretty easy to do in Drupal Commerce, once you figure out how it's working.  

Building the ArtSites project

By t.wheeler on Oct 11, 2024 3:41pm

I didn't start off as a web developer.  I grew up drawing and painting, and eventually completed a Fine Arts degree in college.  But the idea of trying to make a living as an artist, and provide for a family, was intimidating to say the least. I just didn't see how I would be able to make it work. So along the way I explored computers, first graphic design, then web design, then eventually web development. I came up during the 90's when technical roles weren't so structured and everyone was figuring things out.

Setting Up and Optimizing Drupal Commerce

By travis_wc on Aug 16, 2023 2:32pm

Drupal Commerce is a powerful open-source e-commerce solution powering over 50,000 online stores. Drupal Commerce integrates with the Drupal content management system through modular design. This platform provides unlimited potential with native features and module extensions, including integration with third-party commerce and digital applications. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of getting started in setting up and optimizing Drupal Commerce.

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